CSES-02 satellite is based on the Chinese CAST2000 platform. It has a mass of 900 kg and a peak power consumption of 900 W.
The satellite will be placed at a 98° Sun-synchronous circular orbit at an altitude of about 500 km. It will move on the same orbital plane of CSES-01, with a phase shift of 180° with respect to the first satellite, in order to optimize the timing between two passages over the same site, and to reduce the temporal resolution. Data will be transmitted in X-band at 120 Mbps.
The payloads on board consist of:
- High-Energy Particle Detector (HEPD-02)and Low Energy Electron Spectrometer to measure particle flux and energy spectrum
- Search-Coil Magnetometer (SCM) and High Precision Magnetometer (HPM) to measure the components of the magnetic field,
- High Precision Magnetometer (HPM) to measure the total intensity of the magnetic field
- Electric Field Detector (EFD-02) to measure the electric field
- Plasma analyzer Package and a Langmuir probe to measure the disturbance of plasma in ionosphere
- GNSS Occultation Receiver and a Tri-Band Beacon to measure the density of electrons
- Ionospheric Photometer
All the instruments will operate along the whole orbit. Every payload will collect data in two operating modes: “burst mode” and “survey mode”. The burst mode is activated when the satellite passes over the whole China territory and the regions with the strongest seismic activities in the world, while over all the other areas the survey mode will be used.
HEPD-02 and EFD-02 are the Limadou Italian contribution.